Four or Five digits on the bridge plate (1950-1954) Precision Bass
Four or Five digits on the neck plate (1954-1963)
"L" Serial numbers (1963-1965)
6 digits with Large "F" underneath (1965-1976)
"V" Serial numbers Modern reissues since 1982
"S" Prefix 1977 - 1980
E Prefix - 1980s
N Prefix - 1990s
Fender Serial Numbers on the bridge plate
Precision Bass
100 - 600 Three digits 1951 or 1952
0001 - ~0900 1952 and 1953
0800 - 2000 1954
Fender Serial Numbers on the neck plate
0001 – 8000 1954
6000 – 10000 1955
9000 – 16000 1956
16000 – 25000 1957
25000 – 30000 1958
30000 – 40000 1959
40000 – 58000 1960
55000 – 72000 1961
72000 – 93000 1962
93000 – 99999 1963
Fender serial numbers preceded by an "L": Fender guitars made between 1963 and 1965 have a letter "L" preceding the serial number.
L00001 – L20000 1963
L20000 – L55000 1964
L55000 – L99999 1965
Fender serial numbers with large "F" underneath: Leo Fender sold his company to CBS in 1965. The new owners instituted a mostly consecutive serialization system comprised of 6 digits and a large stylized "F" underneath. The F neck plate style was the location of Fender serial numbers from 1965 until 1976.
100000 – 110000 1965
110000 – 200000 1966
180000 – 210000 1967
210000 – 250000 1968
250000 – 280000 1969
280000 – 300000 1970
300000 – 330000 1971
330000 – 370000 1972
370000 – 520000 1973
500000 – 580000 1974
580000 – 690000 1975
690000 – 750000 1976